Instructors Wanted!
We are looking for people who are interested in instructing classes in our new co-op, Clermont Homeschoolers Hangout Club & CO-OP, starting this winter in Eastgate.
It is super flexible; do your class for an hour and your kids stay for 2 or 3 hours more, and you can go do something fun! It is entirely free for your kiddos when you lead a class. Try it once, and see if you like it!
We are also looking for people to help in the hangout room and toddler room, people to lead math activity classes, a nurse for first aid class, and people to do cooking classes and other life skills classes.
Contact me if you have an idea for a class or would like to be a 'helper', and would like to talk further! 513-732-3000 office (Telemedia Technologies) • 513-886-1086 text
Visit our new website's Instructors Page for details, and come to our Open House!